Stop thinking about information!

Every surface, channel or contact with the consumer should be reviewed: Is this an arena for information or an arena for participation.

  • – 1:1: Personalized information delivery or personalized service subscription?
    – Big Screen advertising – interruption advertising or socially engaging activity?
    – Mobile: WAP-push and SMS or value adding applications?
  • Advertisers need to make the bold move from attention grabbing and information delivery to relationship building and service subscription.

    Relationship building or permission marketing is all about identifying a service or subscription servicing a specific consumer want or need, and delivering this at their doorstep through desktop or web applications

    The need to inform or grab attention by interruption should be given a much smaller role, as we see that the cost of delivering long lasting value adding services and experiences are generating far more value than interruption stand to do

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    What is more expensive? Interrupting the customer over and over again, or establishing a relationship with them through desktop or mobile applications?

    What contains the biggest reward?