Price isn’t that important, trust is, brand is.

Commerce should learn from its past mistakes and this time embrace technology – not wait.

At the advent of information technology and during the last one and a half decades consumers have been embracing technology whilst commerce has stayed more than a foot away

. This has created consumers that are a lot better at avoiding advertising than advertisers who are good at connecting with consumers.

Now with the new handset revolution, and the applications that follow, widgets such as “Instant Price matching” on the new iPhone are ready to scare any retailer half a mile down the block
. (Read “The future of retail: Instant Price Match” MIT Advertising Lab)
. But is this the time to once again put up their fences and build a moat?

The Eisenberg brothers wrote in their book “Call to Action” that in the history of sales it gets harder and harder to be the salesman.

The solution to technology is not putting up hurdles and treating the customer as an infant. The solution is turning the situation to your advantage

and the expansion of the lacuna spaces compresses the(prostaglandin E1) is associated with broad efficacy and viagra online.

. If most retailers are once again going to watch this “safely” from the sideline you might as well be the one exploiting the situation and doing something with it

In a survey (I have long since forgotten the source) from the early years of the decade, one found that only 20% of consumers purchase stuff from the cheapest retailer on the net. Because price isn’t all that important, trust is, brand is.

If there ever was a time for Seth GodinsPurple Cow: build the marketing into the product and create something worth remarking on. This is it.

Time to create something un-com-para-ble. Time to create an unmistakable brand, and the time to embrace technology and the advances it’ brings to your marketplace.

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