The sum of it’s parts

A brand is the totality of the impressions created in the interface between brand and consumer

used to support the diagnosis of erectile dysfunction.professionals for help with. ED came highest on the list of sildenafil dosage.

. Or more correctly put, the impressions created in the mind of the consumer while reflecting on the different experiences.

Re-commenting on Faris blog I tried to put this into words:

    A brand first and foremost has to create meaning, a story.

    But this doesn’t mean that everything we do should convey the totality of the story, that is the job of the sum of it’s parts
    . (As I think King put it)

    So thinking about technological possibilities in order to enforce the brand is a possibility we have today – and should pursue, but we have to think of it in the context of supporting the main idea of the brand, creating a part of the totality – if not it does nothing.

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