The mobile galleon figure or treasure chests

As some parts of the world treat the exterior of their mobiles as galleon figures and reflections of their identity, French kids obviously couldn’t care less – instead investing their resources on the content.

Extremely interesting read from Experentia referencing a French report stating two facts enriching the perspective on youths and mobile:

    1.Youths in France don’t care about the exterior of the phone but put a lot more effort into “the museum gallery” of ringtones, videoes and scrensavers to be found on the inside. It’s the exhibition of the content that is key

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    2. The reason kids are much less technology apt is because they, compared to older generations, aren’t afraid of doing anything wrong:

    “You cannot be connected if you are afraid of failures and of DIY-ing. Once upon a time, one had to learn. Now one has to experiment
    . Usage is no longer something that comes at the end of a training – it is the training.

    – Group on Information and Communication Process (Gripic)

Read French Ethnographic study on teens and mobiles on Experentia.

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  1. […] New Marketing has got a lot to do with trying, using and experiencing.. (and in that context this other research is very interesting..) [In the article King also specifies that one of the things advertising can […]

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