Do it!

I forgot to write about this earlier, but reading the last post from [Paul Isakson] reminded my of the natural extension to my previous post “Out of the bubble thinking“.

From Pauls’ post:

    “If your creative brief’s “one thing” has to do with getting people to do something rather than take away something you’re telling them, you’re going to inspire people to talk about your brand at a minimum. And if you’ve got a solid foundation in place for them to build upon, you’re going to inspire fans of the brand to create new content that supports your idea and pushes it even further into culture.”

From my own post “Out of the bubble thinking“:

    “That is why it is important for online agencies to not limit oneself to what happens digitally. Digital is often the smart doorway to a brilliant real world effect

    In essence: what happens online shouldn’t end online. It should go offline.

And of course Mark wrote about this weeks ago in this brilliant post Thinking by doing, where he talks about doing stuff instead of just “reaching for the communications plan”. I find this applies just as much when it comes to activating our participants as when it comes to energizing ourselves.

From Marks’ post:

    3 times this week thinking by doing and Lego have collided in my little world. By thinking by doing, I mean getting down to do things rather than a. thinking about them before doing them b. prioritising thinking and talking over doing stuff. IMHO too much energy and effort going into these things in marketing management and politics.

It’s mainly about making stuff happen

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A bit of topic but a hilarious and legendary “Do it!” gesture from the movie Starsky and Hutch. Not exactly what we are aiming for :o)

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