In this short video John Gerzema, Chief Insight Officer, Young & Rubicam explains the “problem” with brands today . From his book The Brand Bubble…
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In a promo for, Julien Vallèe designs a 2D/3D computer graphics video which is a real inspiration to the possibilities within augmented gaming for…
Not only will brands need to start rethinking their digital communication from the big walls of the browser based internet and onto smaller, more activity…
Adam Greenfields talk at Lift Asia 08 discusses topics ranging from Mobile Ubiquity and Ambient Computing to the introduction of the term Search-Urbanism. “Search urbanism,…
To anyone who dismisses the possibility of “New Thinking” in marketing activities online, because the brain is still the same as millions of years ago,…
Read the PostThe Brain hasn’t changed, but your “collective” has
Technology is only technology as long as it is referenced as such . As soon as it becomes ubiquitous and gets immersed into the social…
Read the PostHas technology reached it’s endpoint as a technology?