Brand momentum is brand managment

Following up on The Brand Bubble Post a couple of days ago, John Gerzema has got his Brand Bubble Manifesto published on ChangeThis.

ChangeThis: The Brand Bubble: How Business Speculation in the Consumer Marketplace Threatens Our Economy

The Manifesto is a quickly read 16 pages, and after a slow start kicks in a lot of beautiful quotes at the end, explaining what, why and how to solve it:

    “Most enterprises are continuing to manage brands according to principles that have not changed for decades

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    . Brand management is more like ‘brand maintenance’: It tries to control brands, creating consistency and predictability in a world that now demands businesses surprise, innovate, adapt and respond.”

    “Today, brand momentum is brand management: Momentum that creates expectation and anticipation.”

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  1. November 27

    […] This last point rings true with John Gerzema’s theories that a brand is not a position, it’s a direction. […]

  2. […] to existing tools. Brands need to start moving, or customers will become indifferent. When John Gerzema says brands are a direction, not a position, it means that brands need to change their mindset regarding what they are supposed to be to […]

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