Communicate Through Context not Content

Building a stronger, more dedicated and involved audience by adding a range of activities and values across platform constellations, building on each others fragments and surrounding the existing core content, is becoming the better alternative to publishing information down one shoot


The broadcast model online seems to be challenged by concepts making the “idea” accessible to participants however they want to engage with it

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. Which means both different platforms and different activities – but more importantly how these platforms interact and depend on each other each other in order to tell the story which connects with the participants.

In other words, the structures of cooperative digital arenas are transforming content producers to context producers. We need to create a context around our ideas, with different solutions telling the different chapters in the story.

There are four important drivers for this:

    1. Digital is not a silo, it doesn’t exist in isolation from other formats or channels. Digital is a cooperative platform, a platform that glues everything else together

    . Which makes the brand accessible at any one time and makes certain the idea is told comprehensibly across a network of activities.

    2. Advertisers and media need to explore new opportunities and products for marketers wanting a different reaction from their online activities than mere display adverts and campaigns can bring them.

    3. A large part of the Internet is used as conversation medium, not a media channel, and in this context the idea becomes the value, not the interruption

    4. We need to be able to tell our real story, not just a compressed, wrongly formatted version of it. Which automatically gives a need for richer tools for telling it.

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