Leaping Into Non-Social Conversations

Watching this video (below) explaining social updates I get the feeling that what they call “the ambient model” is identical to “the broadcasting model”, and that social updates (in the form being explained) is just a personal version of the one way mass communication model that we are all trying to innovate on behalf of brands.

Status updates explained from quub.com on Vimeo.

via Mike Arauz

It seems we’ve gone full circle here, from companies marketing to small then large markets
. And now people marketing themselves and their social activities from close friends to large groups. Large enough to make the activities resembling dialogue so minimal compared to the size of the network that the conversation becomes a presentation.

As have been pointed out to me earlier when I have criticized the use of Twitter and other social tools for becoming “broadcast” utilities: That these tools are just tools, not uses – let people find their own purpose, don’t artificially limit them

But it still is important to remember that just because we are people, not companies, our communication is not any less likely to become non-social. And if we as individuals can’t refrain from broadcasting, then how can we demand it from companies?


From the video:

    “you hear only what you choose to hear. Everyone else’s broadcasts is just ambient noise until you decide to listen in”…

– Reminds me of advertising and the 3000 impressions we get exposed to every day, ambient, for sure.

. :o)

I’m certain a lot of people get a lot of value out of their twittering and social updates, I for certain am one of them

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. But looking at how easy it is to turn our own best efforts into the same communications concepts we have tried to avoid for years.. It underlines the importance to keep looking for ideas and utilities for these social tools and be a conscious of our own use
. Not just be as mesmerized as companies have been by the opportunity to “connect” with thousands of recipients and forgetting to explore the quality of this interaction.

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