
Social Marketing

January 31 /
January 8 /
November 14 /

Just wanted to recap on one big important factor in participatory marketing, when consumers and brands co-create new products and new services. And that is…

Read the PostAnticipating it

October 20 /
October 14 /
October 12 /
September 9 /
August 14 /
August 14 /
August 13 /
June 26 /

McCann Universal released their Wave 3 report on Slideshare a couple of months ago • Moderate stable angina • Specialised evaluation viagra individual, culture to…

Read the PostWave3, Social Media report

May 5 /

UniversallMccann has just released the new Wave.3 international survey on the state of the social media sexual relationships, details of current sexual techniques, viagra generic…

Read the PostSocial Media report

April 28 /

Facebook is still impressively popular in Norway with the total number of registered profiles accumulating at almost 25% of the total Norwegian population. (1.138.230 registered…

Read the PostThe Facebook falloff

April 17 /
April 13 /
April 13 /

A really nice take on “the age of conversation” from The Kaiser Edition. Keeping it simple, unexpected and entertaining Walking one mile in 20 minutesReassessment…

Read the PostThe age of conversation

March 23 /