
Social Marketing

March 7 /

A presentation on the future opportunities in media, turning threats into insights into opportunities. The presentation future media – no more middle men, is an…

Read the Postfuture media

January 24 /
January 17 /
November 15 /
October 25 /
August 28 /
August 25 /
August 2 /

When attention and engagement becomes less important in advertising and marketing, things are going to get a whole lot healthier. 1. This, the last from…

Read the PostThe cost of attention

July 31 /
July 28 /

In a media world exploding with information, how can we make less noise? Is it reducing the content? Making it more useful and relevant? Or…

Read the PostPerspectives on Content

June 22 /
June 18 /
June 18 /
June 17 /
June 15 /

As the media, information and conversational world is changing, why are the business models of the media industry standing still? In a slightly simplified and…

Read the PostChanging the Currency

April 26 /
April 7 /

Mobile is all about conversation and collaboration, exchanging ideas and strengthening existing social ties. It’s time the mobile applications took advantage of the inhibit advantages…

Read the PostMobile Collaboration and Tribing

April 3 /
March 30 /
March 28 /
March 22 /

In the traditional advertising mindset, brands are unwanted interrupters of ongoing conversations. Because of this tradition brands can still be very humble and cautious when…

Read the PostContent, Conversation, Contagion

March 17 /

A lot of intense activity the last couple of weeks, with presentations and alterations has produced a new updated edition of the presentation The New…

Read the PostThe New Brand landscape 2

March 10 /
March 9 /

If serious marketers would never find themselves interrupting an ongoing telephone conversation, why do we let ourselves interrupt a Facebook conversation? Social arenas are not…

Read the PostServe Communities, Serve People

March 8 /

Companies and marketers should think of themselves and their content as igniters of conversations, not interrupters. Discussing the findings in the Microsoft 3 screen Research…

Read the PostIgniters not Interrupters!

March 1 /
February 26 /

If you are considering creating additional content for audience participation, it’s not necessarily the content itself that is most important but it’s shareability. Microsoft has…

Read the PostShareability

February 26 /
February 23 /
February 14 /

We are as marketers and digital strategists to focused on the tools and arenas we want to be “on” rater than our job; to connect…

Read the PostThe New Mindset

February 8 /

Marketing needs to extend the notion of value. In the event of adding smaller initiatives to the marketing mix moving customers one step closer to…

Read the PostSuccess Metrics

February 5 /
February 4 /
February 2 /
February 1 /