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June 2 /

Creativity implies creating new stuff by combining two or more existing ideas . But, ‘creativity’ is a generic term . It is abstract and has…

Read the PostCreativity

May 23 /
May 20 /
May 11 /
May 9 /

In the communications hierarchy, there are four main field’s positioned in relation to each other. Could visualization introduce a way of understanding their role and…

Read the PostThe communications pyramid

May 2 /
April 19 /

If an identity is to create value through identifiable and differentiating qualities, it can’t be designed through employment in the latter stages of a standardized…

Read the PostDesigning identities

April 6 /
April 3 /

The iPad might be an impressive piece of technical hardware, but it’s just a box . Innovating for boxes, instead of people, will just help…

Read the PostFor humans not boxes

April 1 /

As a blogger, tweeter, writer and presenter of new ideas and new landscapes I often get accused of saying that things will die – even…

Read the PostWhat ever died?

March 31 /

If our future friends are our objects, how would we communicate with them? In his lecture from SXSW Douglas Rushkoff discusses how the population at…

Read the PostOur future identities

March 30 /

Design for interactive platforms has devolved inside a form of vacuum, and positioned itself outside of every other design discipline. Which is weird, as its…

Read the PostPrint + Product = Organic

March 30 /
March 28 /

In an online world full of nuances and variables, is the universal mindset of mass media affecting our ability to make people deliriously happy? Mass…

Read the PostUnderstanding variability

March 14 /
March 14 /
March 14 /
March 7 /

A presentation on the future opportunities in media, turning threats into insights into opportunities. The presentation future media – no more middle men, is an…

Read the Postfuture media

February 17 /
February 15 /
February 15 /

Without dialogue and participation companies get stuck. The traditional media model is a triple negative: – No direct relation between companies and people acquired, global…

Read the PostStuck!

February 9 /
February 9 /
February 4 /
January 31 /
January 28 /

Delivering immediate effect might not be the best business model for designing long-term valuable marketing initiatives. Advertising is known for getting peoples attention and affecting…

Read the PostThe wrong business model?

January 24 /
January 21 /
January 20 /

Social media is not social media . Facebook is an operating system, not a destination . Digital is not a set of silos, its an…

Read the PostSocial media silo

January 19 /

Does advertising need to restate its role in the marketing communications industry? And what is the role of strategy, or planning, in this process? By…

Read the PostThe future of Planning

January 18 /
January 17 /
December 23 /

How come design for technology is so inherently anti-human that we had to invent a whole new industry around it just to band aid the…

Read the PostPost Digital Design

December 18 /

I’ve been spending my last evenings trying to articulate an article on the Mobile abilities map commissioned by Mediacoms Blink magazine. Thought I’d share one…

Read the PostA relationship platform

December 6 /