

June 26 /
June 21 /
June 4 /
May 18 /

When writing short summaries for up-coming talks I often find myself articulating a broad range of ideas in a very dense space . Forcing out…

Read the PostThe red or blue pill?

March 17 /
February 25 /
February 24 /

understanding of the condition, the results of theMost of today’s easy-to-administer treatment options, can sildenafil side effects. What is marketing in 2013? How do you…

Read the PostIgnite us

June 8 /
March 7 /

A presentation on the future opportunities in media, turning threats into insights into opportunities. The presentation future media – no more middle men, is an…

Read the Postfuture media

November 23 /
October 25 /
September 7 /
August 10 /

If control is unattainable, what is the goal of our brand building efforts? The answer seems more related to adaptability and changeability than unanimity, let’s…

Read the PostThe ability to multiply

July 8 /

Kevin Slavin of Area/Code states in this brilliant video from 5D Conference (previously published on this blog) that TV is an event, something millions of…

Read the PostMedia as an event

June 22 /
June 17 /
March 30 /
March 17 /

A lot of intense activity the last couple of weeks, with presentations and alterations has produced a new updated edition of the presentation The New…

Read the PostThe New Brand landscape 2

March 12 /
March 10 /
March 1 /
February 20 /

Pranav Mistry of MIT demoes the new Sixth Sense wearable computer system taking us both one step closer to the Minority Report and one step…

Read the PostWear Ur World

February 16 /
February 15 /
February 14 /

We are as marketers and digital strategists to focused on the tools and arenas we want to be “on” rater than our job; to connect…

Read the PostThe New Mindset

February 8 /

Marketing needs to extend the notion of value. In the event of adding smaller initiatives to the marketing mix moving customers one step closer to…

Read the PostSuccess Metrics

February 5 /
February 4 /
February 2 /
January 31 /
January 25 /

To anyone planning to attend Scandinavian Futures this tuesday – Coronary Artery Disease, CAD Class I Patients with cardiac• “Do you have any difficulties in…

Read the PostScandinavian Futures 09′

January 1 /

Damiano Shares Trendspottings slideshow series of Influencer predictions on my Google Reader. Although I detest predictions as they are at best useless and at worst…

Read the PostInsights from Influencers

August 1 /
July 24 /

Just found this old gem on youtube . It’s 434 videos of people who have visited and talked to Google employees pubertal age and there…

Read the Post@GoogleTalks

July 11 /

Garr Reynolds of Presentation Zen has previously linked to Benjamin Zander but in one of his latest posts also embeds a video of his presentation…

Read the PostBill Zander and music